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本纪录片将带我们亲历野生动物在季节极限下的生活。领略它们在零下40度采取的保护措施 ,经历狂怒的森林火灾或防治权利滋生…… Yellowstone Is No Ordinary Wilderness. It Has The Distinction Of Being The Worlds’ First National Park And Is A Lost World Of Vast Plains, Lush Meadows And Endless Forests Defended On All Sides By Towering Mountains. It Is The Most Extensive Thermal Area On Earth With More Than 10,000 Boiling Springs, Fumaroles And Bubbling Mud Pots And More Geysers Than The Rest Of The World Put Together. It‘s These Strange Natural Wonders That First Made Yellowstone Famous And Still Make It Unique Today. It Is Also The Natural Beauty Of Yellowstone Combined With Its Iconic Inhabitants That Attract Millions To Visit Every Year. Home To America’s Last Great Bison Herds, The Grizzly Bear And Realm Of The Grey Wolf, This Landmark Series Reveals The Grandeur Of This Unique Place As Its Animals Struggle To Survive Over The Course Of The Vividly Changing Seasons. Join The Charismatic Cast Of Yellowstone’s Wildlife As They Turn To Face The Extreme Challenges Of The Seasons And Discover Just What It Takes To Brave Temperatures 40 Degrees Below Zero, To Live Through Raging Forest Fires Or To Fight To The Death For The Right To Breed. The Daily Struggles Of The Wildlife Are Intimately Linked To Yellowstone’s Greatest Secret: That Sleeping Right Beneath The Snow Is Probably The World’s Largest Volcano. The Fate Of Everything In This Extraordinary Wilderness Is In The Hands Of Forces More Powerful Than We Can Possibly Imagine. 资料:黄石国家公园 黄石国家公园(Yellowstone National Park)位于美国(The United States of America)西部北落基山和中落基山之间的熔岩高原上,绝大部分在怀俄明州的西北部。海拔2,134-2,438米,面积8,956平方公里。 黄石河、黄石湖纵贯其中,有峡谷、瀑布、温泉以及间歇喷泉等,景色秀丽,引人入胜。其中尤以每小时喷水一次的“老实泉”最著名。园内森林茂密,还牧养了一些残存的野生动物如美洲野牛等,供人观赏。园内设有历史古迹博物馆。 自从1872年黄石公园创办以来,已有六千多万人来此观光。游人来自五湖四海,形形色色,所获得的感受自然也就丰富多彩, ...





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