The story is about an internet forum called “BDD Forum System” which is threatened to be destroyed by a hacker named “Intoxicant”. While every user in the forum is wondering what kind of disaster will “Intoxicant” bring, 6 different users start suspecting each other. When the countdown to annihilation starts, the chaos between identity and trust begins to grow.
世新大學廣播電視電影學系電影組畢業,現就讀於世新大學廣電所。擅長以詭譎多變的實驗風格經營各種寫實卻又荒謬的幽默感,加上他本身對於網路,線上遊戲的深入觀察與熱愛,雖年紀輕輕但已獲得包含金鐘獎最佳導演等數項大獎肯定,是目前台灣地區極具潛力的新銳導演之一 。
Born and raised in Taipei, 1981, John Hsu is currently studying in the MFA class for Filmmaking in Shih Hsin University.Always interested in subjects like the virtual reality, digital culture, and video games, John Hsu won the “Best Director Award” at Golden Bell Award 2005 (the biggest television award in Taiwan similar to the Emmy) with his TV movie debut “Real Online”, which is about online computer game players. He was a member of Berlinale Talent Campus 2007.
學生製作 商業水準
世新廣電系副教授齊隆壬擔任影片監製,為了檢視學生製作能力與創作力是否有能力進入產業,特別與中國北京電影學院、香港浸會大學合作,各自集資,集合當地業界技術人員與演藝 ...